The Math Behind a Good Password

Embed from Getty Images This post is actually a preface to another one I’m in the middle of right now, on password managers. But I wanted to take a minute and explain why your workplace insists on bizarre passwords, and how you can capitalize on that in your personal life. Why are there password requirements? When you have to change […]

Is Your Computer Hurting You?

We live very different lives than our ancestors did just a generation ago. Many more of us work in some sort of office environment than our parents’ generation. While being a digital device user may not carry as many physical hazards as factory or farm or other industrial work, it is not without any risk at all. Eyestrain, poor posture, […]

New Wound Care Technology? Sounds Fishy to Me

This may not sound like a techy subject, but without computers and other technology, this would not have been possible. The FDA has approved the use of a “fish skin” to facilitate healing of chronic wounds. Chronic wounds are different from “regular” wounds in the way they heal, and chronic wounds are often the direct result of diabetes or other […]