Insider Threats: Could That Be You?

Unintentional insider threats often arise from simple oversights such as misconfigured settings or employees inadvertently sharing sensitive information. It’s crucial for organizations to implement regular security training and access controls to minimize these risks and protect against potential data breaches.

Guarding Your Digital Doorstep: A Beginner’s Guide to Outsmarting Online Scams

In an era where our digital footprints are as significant as our physical ones, protecting yourself from online scams is not just advisable; it’s imperative. This guide demystifies cybersecurity for the everyday tech user, offering straightforward, actionable advice to fortify your online presence against digital predators. Drawing from expert insights, we’ll navigate the murky waters of online scams with a […]

Smart Home Security Simplified: Easy Steps for Non-Techies

The last post introduced the idea of smart homes. Smart homes are exciting, but security can be a concern. Today, I’ll guide you through straightforward steps to secure your smart home without overwhelming you with technical details. When you’re done reading this piece, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of smart devices while keeping your home safe and stress-free. […]

Consumer Security Book Launch Update

  update 11/1/17: My book is in the hands of a great editor, at this point I’ve missed my hard deadline and I don’t want to launch during the holidays. It’s too late to make Christmas sale dates, so I’ll shoot for the beginning of 2018. from 7/4/17: I am so excited about the upcoming book launch. The title is Your […]