Insider Threats: Could That Be You?

Unintentional insider threats often arise from simple oversights such as misconfigured settings or employees inadvertently sharing sensitive information. It’s crucial for organizations to implement regular security training and access controls to minimize these risks and protect against potential data breaches.

Podcasts – learning on the go, wherever you are

Right after the first iPhone came out (so somewhere around a decade ago), the company issued me an iPod Touch at work. That way, I could have the experience of working with the phones that many of our users were getting. I didn’t need a company phone at that time. Podcasts were still in their infancy at that time, but […]

Consumer Security Book Launch Update

  update 11/1/17: My book is in the hands of a great editor, at this point I’ve missed my hard deadline and I don’t want to launch during the holidays. It’s too late to make Christmas sale dates, so I’ll shoot for the beginning of 2018. from 7/4/17: I am so excited about the upcoming book launch. The title is Your […]

The Math Behind a Good Password

Embed from Getty Images This post is actually a preface to another one I’m in the middle of right now, on password managers. But I wanted to take a minute and explain why your workplace insists on bizarre passwords, and how you can capitalize on that in your personal life. Why are there password requirements? When you have to change […]

Limit Your Exposure

Unless you always save to your external drive or your mapped drive on your home server, you might consider disconnecting when not in use. The encrypting malware is getting really sophisticated and extends its reach to your mapped drives. That means if your offsite online backup solution operates as a mapped drive, your safety net could become no more useful […]