Critical Information on New Ransomware

Embed from Getty Images Hot off the press, there’s a new version on ransomware that is cheaper to unlock, and there’s bad news and more bad news. Yes, they charge only a portion of a bitcoin to get the key to unlock the files they’ve encrypted.  Except that they haven’t encrypted them. They’ve actually deleted the files. So if you […]

Limit Your Exposure

Unless you always save to your external drive or your mapped drive on your home server, you might consider disconnecting when not in use. The encrypting malware is getting really sophisticated and extends its reach to your mapped drives. That means if your offsite online backup solution operates as a mapped drive, your safety net could become no more useful […]

You Can’t Just Surf Anymore

It never was really safe to just surf around and clickety-click on interesting-looking stuff, but it just keeps getting truer and truer (is that grammatically correct?) that you have got to pay attention to what you’re doing on the web. You’ve got to pay attention when you get an email with a link or an attachment. (See Cryptolocker) You’ve got […]

How to Verify Security at a Website

There’s a great line from the movie Sneakers, when Robert Redford is in the limo with the Russian guy, and the Russian guy says, “You won’t know who to trust.” If you’re going to do any business online, you’ve got to trust someone, and knowing who the trusted trusters for trusting are is a great place to start. Let’s start with […]

What is “The Cloud” and Should I Be Using It?

This is a very simplified network drawing done in Microsoft Visio, using commonly accepted symbols. Something like this, only much more complex, would be used for planning a new network or an upgrade or change, or to identify where the technology components of a network are. In the center of the diagram, you see a Cloud symbol. This symbol has […]

Cryptolocker–there is no cure, so best prevent

There’s a nasty piece of malware out there called Cryptolocker. You won’t know you’re infected with it until you get the notice that your files are encrypted and if you don’t pay $300 by a certain date the decryption key will be destroyed, causing you to lose all your files forever. At this time only Windows operating systems are vulnerable, […]

2013 Tech Quick Review

Since I got started on this site rather late in the year, I haven’t done any posts yet on hot tech news. So I’ll do a quick rundown on some of the coolest stuff to hit the interwebs this year. Google Glass–wearable internet. Looks like a pair of glasses without the lenses, but I see lenses are available. I’m cloudy […]