Please Tell Me Your Wi-Fi Has a Password

Regardless of the method used to connect to the internet, if you use a wireless router or access point, IT NEEDS A PASSWORD–and it needs to NOT be set as “password.” If you use U-VERSE from AT&T, the password is on the bottom of the device, and it’s a good password. I don’t know how much configuration you can do […]


Every computer system has the capability of crashing. Some self-recover better than others, and some manifest it more elegantly than others. Make no mistake, regardless of what kind of computer you are using, your computer can crash. I am not particularly loyal to one hardware set or to one operating system. I use them all and I enjoy them all. […]

Can You Create a Secure Password?

Recently I told you several things that you need to know about passwords. Today I’ll give you step by step instructions on how to make a strong, secure password that will meet requirements and that you will eventually remember. Trust me, you CAN remember them. The sentence method: Open up a program on your computer that you can free-flow type […]

Microsoft is Not Calling You!

Truth: Microsoft Technicians are NOT going to call you and offer to help fix your computer.  That means that anyone who calls you claiming to be a Microsoft Technician is NOT telling you the truth. There is no division within Microsoft tasked with calling users to help them fix their computers. Furthermore, there is no process within your operating system […]

Low-Tech Kind of Day

With the coastline of the Gulf of Mexico is enjoying a rare sleet/snow/freezing rain storm, most roads are closed and most businesses have put their operations on hold. This has left me with an opportunity to catch up on several projects that have been quite neglected, and it has provided me with a reminder that electronic technology does not offer […]

How Safe is Your Password?

A reporter from Wired magazine recently got schooled in password security, which generated a lot of conversation in the tech space on keeping yourself safe in cyberspace. There is one simple thing to do to stay safe in cyberspace: stay out of it. Yeah right. That’s what I thought. So here’s the rundown: Strong passwords, different passwords, different cards, non-obvious […]

How to Change the Size of Web Pages

You may stumble on this process by accident but if you do, it’s unlikely you’ll know what you did and how to do it again when you need it. If you need to make a web page bigger, do this: From a Windows or Linux machine, hold the Control key and hit the + key. You may—or may not—need to […]