Your Data, Your Devices, and You


update 11/1/17: My book is in the hands of a great editor, at this point I’ve missed my hard deadline and I don’t want to launch during the holidays. It’s too late to make Christmas sale dates, so I’ll shoot for the beginning of 2018.

from 7/4/17:

I am so excited about the upcoming book launch. The title is Your Data, Your Devices, and You: Easy-to-follow Instructions to Reduce Your Risk of Data Loss, Device Infection, and Identity Theft.

I’m in the final round of edits. I’m going to have a couple of people read through it one more time. I want to make sure the title is true. Because I’m self-publishing, it’s kind of a slow process. I’m having to learn the steps and then take them, all while maintaining my normal life.

There was one overwhelming winner from three submissions for cover art. I put it to a vote, and the viewers have spoken.

So when is the book launch???

I’m going to set a hard date of August 21, 2017 for final release. That’s when school starts, and it’s a little over a month away, so I will just need to put in some midnight-oil hours.

I’ll set up a launch page for the book a little further into the project for updates, and I will post the link on all my blogs.

Fun process

I have so far enjoyed the whole drafting, writing, and book launch process, and I’ve learned A LOT!  I’ve learned how to organize my thoughts when I have a lot of them. That will be really valuable in some of the longer form writing I do. I’m learning how to publish a book, technically, and how to market it. I’m sure that everything I learn in this effort will benefit me with future endeavors.

After the book launch, what?

I have another idea for a book, but not on a technical subject. I understand that the common advice is to stay within one broad topic. However, the next topic is also something that I believe people need to know, so I’m going to write it. I think I’ll take a little break from book activities, though, and maybe begin the effort next January. I want to really focus on the blog ideas I’ve catalogued.